S.H. Ho College runs its own Student Counselling Services, including individual meetings and, if necessary, family meetings, apart from the counselling services provided by the University. One of the crucial areas of counselling is to explore possible alternatives in life and re-position students’ life preferences, so that they may feel better to jump over the life hurdles. Ups and downs are normal and inevitable in life. One does NOT need to be “problematic” to talk to a counselor. The leading principles of the counselling services at S.H. Ho College are highlighted in the following:
1) The counselor does NOT, in many circumstances, provide any direct nor “professional” advice on life. You are always the expert of your life and the problems you have encountered.
2) The counselor does NOT pathologize clients. The person is the person. The problem is the problem. They are not the same.
3) The counselor does NOT center the conversation. You are always the focus of the conversation. The counselor prefers listening than teaching, curiosity than assumption, multi-storied than single-storied.

The College regularly offers various types of workshops, walking side-by-side with students to step on the journey of self-exploration, so that students are able to construct their preferred personal values and to better enjoy a wonderful university life. The College also collaborates with different parties and NGOs to provide the students with multi-angles to look into the issues of mental well-being. It is hoped that the students can not only be more sensitive to their emotional well-being but also be equipped the sense to un-label the mask of mental health issues. Moreover, the College assists the students to have better understanding of themselves, as well as their interpersonal preferences, for mutual respect, through the popular assessment tool of Personality Dimension®. The College also runs Thai boxing classes and Pilates classes for students who have already led busy lives to enjoy some quiet time and achieve a sense of balance.