Full Residence and Communal Dining Policies
(Last updated in March 2018)
1. Full residence policy
All students of S.H. Ho College are required to live in a hostel of the College during their Normative Period for Full Residence and Communal Dining (“normative period” in short). The duration of normative period is summarized in the Appendix “Normative Period for Full Residence and Communal Dining”.
Students within their normative period may apply for “Opt-out” to be exempted from Full Residence for valid reasons such as overseas exchange programmes or internship programme for one term or one academic year. S.H. Ho College will consider each application according to the reason(s) of application, and reserves the right to approve and reject any opt-out application.
Students beyond their normative period may apply for “Opt-in” to be arranged hostel accommodation. The results of “Opt-in” applications are not guaranteed. S.H. Ho College will consider each application according to the reason(s) stated and the availability of hostel places——the priority of hostel places are given to newly admitted students and to students within their normative period.
2. Communal dining policy
All students of S.H. Ho College are required to take part in communal dinners and high table dinners during their Normative Period for Full Residence and Communal Dining. The duration of normative period is summarized in the Appendix “Normative Period for Full Residence and Communal Dining”.
Students within their normative period may apply for “Opt-out” to be exempted from Communal Dining for valid reasons such as overseas exchange programmes or internship programme for one term or one academic year. S.H. Ho College will consider each application according to the reason(s) of application, and reserves the right to approve and reject any opt-out application.
Students beyond their normative study period may apply for “Opt-in” to participate in communal dinners. The results of “Opt-in” applications are not guaranteed. S.H. Ho College will consider each application according to the reason(s) stated.
Appendix: Normative_Period_for_Full_Residence_and_Communal_Dining_March_2018_English
For details, please click to see “S.H. Ho College Communal Dining Registration and Attendance“
For current students
Mr. Emery Chan
Phone: 3943 1442
Email: emerychan@cuhk.edu.hk
For prospective students
Ms. Carrie Chan
Phone: 3943 1447
Email: carrie_chan@cuhk.edu.hk