University Appointments

From left: Prof. Dinky Lau and Dr. Andrew Yuen

Prof. Dinky Lau Appointed as Associate Dean (Professional Programmes), Faculty of Education, CUHK

Prof. Dinky Lau, College member and Dean of General Education of S.H. Ho College, has been appointed as the Associate Dean (Professional Programmes), Faculty of Education, CUHK.

Prof. Lau graduated from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature and received her graduate training in the Department of Educational Psychology at CUHK. She worked in secondary schools, Baptist University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Curriculum Development Institute. She is now working as a Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at CUHK. Her research interests include Chinese reading instruction, reading motivation, cognitive strategy instruction, self-regulated learning and classical Chinese reading.

Dr. Andrew Yuen Appointed as Director of Executive MBA Programme, CUHK

Dr. Andrew Yuen, College member and Associate Dean of General Education of S.H. Ho College, has been appointed as the Director of Executive MBA Programme, CUHK.

Dr. Yuen graduated from CUHK with BBA and MPhil degrees. Later, he obtained his PhD Degree of Transport Economics from Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, Canada. Currently, he is a Senior Lecturer of the Department of Decisions, Operations and Technology, CUHK. His main research interests include aviation and maritime economics, industrial organisation and applied econometrics. He published academic papers in various international peer-reviewed journals, including Journal of Transport Economics Policy, Journal of Air Transport Management, Transport Research Parts A and D, Maritime Policy and Management and Pacific Economic Review. Dr. Yuen was appointed as the Assistant Dean of CUHK Business School, and Co-director of Integrated BBA Programme between 2012 and 2014. He served as the Associate Dean of General Education of S.H. Ho College from 2014 to present. He is also the Director of Policy and Knowledge Transfer, Aviation Policy and Research Centre at CUHK.