New Executive Committee of Alumni Association Elected

The third cohort of the Executive Committee of the S.H. Ho College Alumni Association came on board on 21 April, 2023. It will continue to promote fellowship among alumni, foster connections between alumni, students and the College, and create a supportive platform for alumni networking and career development.

The newly elected executive members are as follows.



Graduation Year and Major

CHAN Man Ying Pam


2022, Chinese Medicine

LEUNG Tsui Ying Crystal

Vice President (Internal Affairs)

2021, Biomedical Engineering

TANG Wei Ying Monica

Vice President (External Affairs)

2018, Chinese Medicine

Shelby HO


2022, Journalism and Communication

LAU Wai Nam Conrad


2021, Chinese Medicine

CHAN Tin Lok Dominic


2023, Physics

CHENG Man Wai Meiyan


2021, Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science

KWAN Joycelyn Yee Man JK


2022, Psychology

LAU Kwok Hang Sosad


2021, Nursing

LIANG Yingxin Christy


2023, Journalism and Communication

YUEN Yat Hang Ben


2021, Computer Science

The Alumni Association has been organizing various activities for College alumni. On 16 July, it held an indoor war game, and it has also initiated a monthly feature story in the alumni magazine, recording the experiences of both College alumni and staff members.

To stay updated with the latest information and news from the Alumni Association, please follow its Instagram account