Pan-Asian Student Forum at the University of Tokyo

Pan-Asian Student Forum was launched in 2013. On October 27, six S.H. Ho College students attended a four-day Pan Asian Student Forum at the University of Tokyo. Hosted by the University of Tokyo, the forum was taken part by students coming from Seoul National University, Yuanpei College of Peking University, the National University of Singapore and S.H. Ho College of CUHK on the theme of “The Cities in Asia”.
The students exchanged their views on the following thought-provoking topics:
(1) How can we attract tourists to cities by soft power?
(2) How do we defend cities from terrorism? Taking city transportation for example.
(3) How can we harmonize the old and the new in a city?
The forum began with students’ presentations on their own research, followed by discussions and field work in Tokyo. The next forum will be hosted by Peking University in 2017.