Welcome Freshers 2023
When I became the Master last year, one of my goals was to experience College life because my university back then did not have a collegiate system. So, I tried to join as many activities of the College as possible. ...
Appointments on
College General Education
College General Education
Dr. Lawrence Chiu resigned from the post of the Dean of General Education of S.H. Ho College with effect from 1 June, 2023. The College is grateful for Dr. Chiu’s active participation in and contributions to the College’s general education ...
The Meaning of Services
Imagine embarking on a journey to a faraway land with a group of like-minded individuals, all eager to make a difference in the world. That is what happened when 12 College students, together with the College Master Prof. Vincent Mok, ...
Trip to Uganda, Grateful to Generous
In June, I joined a service trip to Uganda in Africa with a group of College students. Wars, HIV and social injustice have torn Uganda. Many children became HIV orphans. Women have been mistreated. The trip was guided by staff ...
Visit of Distinguished Guests
On 26 April, 2023, a group of distinguished artists gathered at the College to engage in an exchange on creativity. They included Mr. Chu Tat Shing, Director of the China Sculpture Institute and a sculptor; Mr. Yung Ho Yin, Chairman ...
Sketching Fuji
As travel restrictions relaxed, the College organized a cultural trip for students from 3 to 9 June, 2023 on the theme of “Sketching Fuji.” During this journey, students not only forged deep friendships among themselves but also learned a lot ...
A Summer of Enriching Internship Experiences
Summer internships provide students with invaluable opportunities to gain practical experience, broaden their horizons and enhance their skill sets. The College offered two internship programmes this year, each catering to different interests and disciplines. From administrative assistance to clinical exposure, ...